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    Maximize Your Air Conditioning Effectiveness This Summer

    How to Maximize Your Air Conditioning Effectiveness-Summers are nearly here, and it’s time to say goodbye to home heating for a while. The summer months in Denver are pretty brutal, and the temperature goes up considerably in July. A blast of cool air seems heavenly in those hot afternoons. So before those hot months catch up, it is wise to give your air conditioners a timely maintenance checkup, an to address any AC repairs that may be required.

    We all love the cool breeze from the air conditioner in summers, but nobody enjoys paying high utility bills. If your air conditioner has pending maintenance tasks that you don’t get fixed, it will decrease your cooling system’s efficiency. Hence, the electricity bills will soar as the system will work harder to generate cool air with dirty or faulty parts.

    Here are some simple steps to maximize the efficiency of your air conditioners this summer:

    Service your Air Conditioner in Denver

    The most logical first step is to make an appointment with an HVAC expert in Denver to get your unit serviced. The trained expert will conduct an in-depth checkup of your air conditioning unit and uncover any underlying problems, which may cause the system’s inefficiency. We have a 22-point HVAC checklist against which we inspect your air conditioner.

    Additionally, the unit’s regular servicing and maintenance prolongs its life considerably, gives an optimal performance, and saves you money in the long term.

    AC Compressor Function

    The air conditioner AC compressor plays a vital role in maximizing your cooling system’s effectiveness by circulating refrigerant through the system under high pressure. This process allows the refrigerant to absorb and release heat efficiently, ensuring your home stays cool.

    The compressor converts low-pressure, low-temperature refrigerant gas into a high-pressure, high-temperature gas, which then flows to the condenser coils to dissipate heat. However, common issues such as electrical failures, refrigerant leaks, and mechanical wear can hinder your AC’s performance, leading to inadequate cooling or complete system failure. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs of the compressor are essential to maintain optimal cooling efficiency and extend the lifespan of your air conditioning system.

    Give the experts at JD’s Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning a call to book an appointment for your unit’s servicing.

    JD's Plumbing Denver, CO

    Free Guide: Definitive Guide to Buying an Air Conditioner in 2021

    Change/Clean Air Filters:

    This is perhaps the step that helps the most if done regularly. Air filters trap dirt and stop it from being blown through the vents. Debris-covered, dirty, and dust-filled air filters are among the major causes of decreased air-conditioning systems’ efficiency. Homeowners who regularly change their air filters every month enjoy clean air and their units’ efficient performance throughout the year.

    Follow these steps for cleaning your air filters:

    1. Not all air filters can be cleaned. Some models have filters that need to be replaced. Read the instruction manual, which came with your system, or talk to the experts at JD’s Plumbing Heating & AC to determine whether to clean or change.

    2. Determine the location of the filters. It can be behind the vents throughout the house or near the cold air return in central cooling systems.

    3. Turn off the power.

    4. Remove the filter and vacuum away the dirt carefully. A vacuum with soft bristles will be best for this job. Repeat this step for all the filters.

    5. Find out if your filters are water-friendly. If so, make a mixture of 50/50 water and vinegar, and soak the filter in it for about an hour.

    6. Dry the filter before reinstalling it into your unit. Follow the arrow symbols to know which side goes up. For wall-mounted and window air conditioners, you will have to remove the front-facing indoor unit panel to access the filters and follow the above steps for cleaning.

    Free Download: Air Conditioner Maintenance Guide Denver 2021

    Keep a Consistent Thermostat Setting:

    To get optimal cooling, avoid constantly turning the temperature up and down repeatedly. Increasing the temperature by a few degrees helps considerably in saving money as well as energy.

    Choosing the right thermostat for your AC system is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment while optimizing energy efficiency.

    By keeping a consistent thermostat setting, you can not only enhance comfort but also prevent unnecessary strain on your HVAC system, leading to potential cost savings in the long run.

    beautiful young woman closing curtains

    Draw the Curtains

    It doesn’t seem related, but in reality, it greatly impacts the efficiency of your air conditioning. The heat from the sun warms up the rooms. Keeping the curtain and blinds closed during the daytime keeps out the heat to some extent and the air conditioner does not have to work twice as hard into keeping your rooms cooler. This directly impacts your energy bills because your ac won’t be working uninterrupted for long hours.

    Clear your Drain Line

    The water gathered inside the unit due to condensation exits through a drain line. Sometimes it can get clogged due to debris, and the water starts dripping. Additionally, it decreases the efficiency of the system to a noticeable extent. Clear the drain line yourself or contact an HVAC Denver professional for effective cooling performance.

    Upgrade Insulation:

    Before the hot summer kicks in, it is a smart idea to boost your home insulation. A well-insulated house with insulation in walls will better store the cooled air and not put a strain on the working of the air conditioner.

    Also, make sure that the ductwork in a central HVAC unit does not have leakages, leading to loss of cool air. Schedule an appointment with an expert to check your ductwork insulation.

    Avoid Heat-Generating Appliances:

    To whatever extent possible, make less use of heat-producing appliances like microwave ovens, hairdryers, etc., during the day, especially near the air conditioning unit. This is because the thermostat will pick up the higher temperature and will make your air conditioning unit work extra hard to cool its surroundings. This will lead to higher costs and lower efficiency.

    These small steps make a big difference and will go a long way in maintaining the effectiveness of your air conditioning units in the summers to come. Contact the professionals at JD’s Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning for assistance, guidance, or suggestions right away!

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